Maintaining Life Balance While Providing Quality Care
With much of your daily life dedicated to caring for others, it can be hard to find the balance you need to stay motivated and to thrive. Learn 10 tips to life balance.

Keys to Caregiver Communication
Caregivers need to communicate with the person they care for, family members and medical professionals all while navigating pitfalls like burnout and powerful feelings. Find out how to communicate as a caregiver, the best ways to ask for help and tips for building a support network from the adult foster care experts at Mass Care Link.

Holiday Tips for At-home Caregivers
Holidays as an at-home caregiver require new traditions and updated expectations. Make the most of the holidays with tips on keeping the season merry plus step-by-step instructions on trimming your tree and baking cookies from the at-home care experts at Mass Care Link.

Exercise for Caregivers:
With daily physical tasks, increased rates of stress and depression and a risk of injury, caregivers have multiple reasons to follow a regular exercise routine. Learn the benefits of exercise for caregivers and how to help incorporate more activity into your already busy schedule.

Four Dating Strategies for Seniors
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an increasing number of seniors are staying alone as they age — 45 percent of Americans in their 50s and 60s are single today, compared to less than 30 percent in 1960. Is dating as a senior difficult? It can be, but dating experts will tell you that every

Tips For Caregiver Gardening And Its Health Benefits for Seniors
How Does Your Garden Grow Gen Zers have a saying for individuals who spend most of their time indoors or who are so occupied with work that they never get to go outside: They advise the chronically online to venture outside, or “touch grass.” Despite the snark, this phrase is actually sound advice for aloof

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System if You’re Over 65
Throughout our younger years, the body seems to bounce back from just about anything. We may not even have to worry about our immune system for the first half of life. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy when we get a little older. In this article, we’ll explore some ways you can boost your immune system

Caregivers and Alcohol: How Much is Too Much?
Caregivers commonly turn to alcohol as a form of stress management. While moderate alcohol use has been shown to reduce stress, in excess, drinking is not an effective or healthy way to cope. It merely provides temporary relief, exposes caregivers to the risk of dependence, worsened mental health, and impaired decision-making. Elderly patients or other

Recognizing and Preventing Caregiver Burnout: A Guide for At-Home Caregivers
Caring for someone at home? Learn the signs of burnout and how to get help.

Widening the Circle: Helping Loved Ones with Special Needs Make Friends
Friendship is a powerful foe against isolation and depression for people with special needs. As a caregiver, learn three strategies for helping your loved one with special needs develop socially through friendships from adult foster care provider Mass Care Link.

Keeping the Fun in Summertime
Summer sometimes stirs memories of school vacation, beach trips and lazy evenings on the porch. But the reality of summer for caregivers can involve long, lonely days inside. While some activities we associate with summer, involving vigorous movement or extended time in the sun, may longer be accessible for you as a caregiver, there are

Five Things No one Told Us About Being A Caregiver
Caring for your loved ones is a beautiful and humbling experience. It can also be an extremely challenging reality. Sometimes the duties and tasks of caregiving have unforeseen consequences and create ripple effects into other aspects of your life. While these realities are sometimes minimized or overlooked, we want to take the time here to

Getting adequate support online as you care for loved ones recovering from addiction
Substance abuse is a severe issue that can cause physical harm, bankruptcy and broken families. But despite the dire consequences, the problem is widespread. More than 59 million, or 21.4% of Americans 12 and over, have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. The good news is that many people have been

Achieving Balance: 4 New Year Resolutions for Caregivers
As a caregiver, you take on the significant responsibility of looking after the well-being of your loved one. It’s a challenging task that requires a lot of dedication, patience, and compassion. With the start of a new year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on your role as a caregiver and set new goals for

Five Approaches to Caregiver Happiness
With the many tedious daily tasks involved with caring for patients in their homes, caregivers deserve both reverence and respite. The level of hard work demanded by this rewarding profession consumes immeasurable time, energy, and patience in addition to mental, physical, and emotional strength. From the constant administering of medication, playing the role of a

Coping With Caregiver Grief During The Holidays
Celebrated as the most wonderful time of the year, the holidays are expected to usher in joy and happiness. But for caregivers, the holidays can often bring a complicated mix of emotions, including grief. During the holidays, grief can arise from memories of loss or seeing others celebrating with loved ones. To assist caregivers in

The Ingredients of Healthy Aging
Let’s face the facts! Aging is inevitable. But while aging is a natural part of human existence, how you choose to live your days can impact how you age. Consider becoming intentional about how you age. Healthy aging is essential to leading your life with the purpose of experiencing the best quality of life today

10 Ways to Stay Motivated As a Caregiver
A caregiver’s job can easily lead to burnout. Try these ten tips to stay motivated and keep pushing ahead.

Autism and Anxiety in Adults
A US government-backed expert panel has recommended for the first time that adults under 65 should be screened for anxiety disorders. According to the US Preventive Services Task force, the mood disorders should be included along with existing screening for depression among American adults. Considering the prevalence of anxiety in adults, you may wonder if

Caregiver Depression: 9 Tips to Handle This Common Condition
Many caretakers face depression and compound its effects by hiding it in shame. But this shame is misplaced. According to caregiver.org, 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression. Like most who experience depression, caregivers suffer in silence because they are afraid of facing stigma and don’t want it to take

How to Cope with Grief as a Caregiver
As a caregiver, you share a lot of time with the person you’re caring for, possibly even their last moments. It can be hard to watch their health deteriorate, and excruciating when they pass on. While grieving is a very personal experience with no right or wrong way to go about it, we have compiled

7 Mental Health Tips For Caregivers
Being a caregiver is a full-time job. Dedicating most of your time and effort to someone else’s well-being takes a lot and eventually takes a toll. So when the cup has run empty, who takes care of the caregiver? Keep reading to learn seven mental health tips for caregivers. 1. Be Kind To Yourself Caregiving

5 Spring Tips for Caregivers
Make some positive changes this spring to help foster mental clarity and give fresh perspectives to the caregiver and the person receiving care.

The Joys of Being a Home Caregiver
Taking care of a loved one can bring its own rewards To say caregiving is an act of selflessness would be a gross understatement. Taking up such a responsibility out of love doesn’t make it any less grueling. Being a home caregiver can often feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once,
How To Maintain Good Mental Health While Taking Care Of Someone At Home
As a caregiver for a spouse, friend or relative, it may not be easy to make time to care for yourself. However, everyone needs self-care, especially someone who is caring for others. Just as it is impossible to pour from an empty cup, taking care of others requires the caregiver’s cup of wellness to be
How to Prevent / Reduce Caregiver Stress?
It can be quite satisfying to look after an elderly family member at home, but the constant handling of responsibilities, worries and anxieties can often burn out a caregiver, especially with his / her own personal and professional commitments always to be maintained. Here are some tips that will help you to prevent or reduce
How to Start Out as a New Caregiver
If you want to start your profession as a caregiver then it is the right time because a lot of individuals are looking for someone who can help at home. There are many individuals who suffer from many serious illness like Alzheimer’s, chronic disease, dementia or perhaps have a physical or developmental disabilities. These individuals