Getting adequate support online as you care for loved ones recovering from addiction
Substance abuse is a severe issue that can cause physical harm, bankruptcy and broken families. But despite the dire consequences, the problem is widespread. More than 59 million, or 21.4% of Americans 12 and over, have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. The good news is that many people have been saved from this issue and successfully returned to living substance-free lives.

Signs of substance abuse in the elderly may be obscured with symptoms of aging or another disorder, so you may need to pay close attention to any indications. Keep your eyes open for occurrences such as:
- Missing pills and medication
- Excessive falls
- Empty alcohol containers
- Sleep issues
- Blackouts, memory loss
- Problems with speech or vision
If you’re looking to help someone get on the path to recovery, there are many things you’ll need to have to provide adequate support at home. This includes understanding how to help your loved one beat addiction. Fortunately, you don’t have to be trained in this area and are not alone.
Much support is available online to help your loved one learn to live a sober lifestyle. Here are some of the online communities you can consult for support:
Alcoholics Anonymous — This is a community offering in-person and online meetings for alcoholics. It is free and provides a 12-step program.
Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) — This is an interesting approach to recovery. SMART is a great support program focusing on helping people recover using education and health. It offers an online forum and in-person and online meetings.
Loosid — This support group allows people to get addiction support online, free of cost, and meet other people through social networking. There is also an app available.
Many more online support groups are available, providing the right level of resources and tools you will need to help your loved ones navigate their journey. Also, many of these online groups offer free membership, so you won’t have to be hit with high fees.
Other things to consider as a caregiver include having enough food to provide proper care and safe and adequate housing facilities.
Support for your at-home care initiative
Are you considering caring for a friend or family member at home? You might be eligible for a monthly payment. Find answers to frequently asked questions about adult foster care, or give us a call at 508-880-8889 to speak with someone in person.