How we help caregivers
Caring for a loved one or friend who has difficulty taking care of themselves can seem overwhelming. Financial pressure, feelings of isolation, medical concerns, paperwork: providing care and managing state assistance for a loved one can be a lot to bear. We are here to help. As a MassHealth Homecare Provider, we connect Adult Foster Care caregivers like you to the financial support, resources and training you may be entitled to so you can help the members you love whether it be case management to emotional support to communicating with MassHealth.

We collaborate with the caregiver to create a customized care plan for the member. Mass Care Link pays caregivers a monthly stipend plus two weeks vacation for the caregiver per year for personal care services; and also reimburses service providers and program administrators through the member’s MassHealth Adult Foster Care benefits.
Our registered nurses and care managers provide compassionate support with areas including:
Administrative and Regulatory
While understanding MassHealth paperwork and requirements can seem like a job unto itself, our team can ease the burden through assistance and guidance. We’ll even help you and the member you care for with setting up their living space so it complies with state regulations yet still retains the comfort of home.
Accessing benefits
You shouldn’t have to struggle to care for those in need. Case managers can help caregivers understand MassHealth paperwork and requirements, ensuring caregivers receive their tax-free stipend to help offset the cost of providing personal care. Our services are covered by our members’ MassHealth benefits, so there is no cost to their families or caregivers to receive our highest standards of care.
Education and support
Adult Foster Caregivers face many challenges. Get the tools you need to help those in your care. Mass Care Link is your connection to one-on-one interactions, group trainings and online resources allowing caregivers to help manage the demands of 24-hour care and provide the best care for their loved ones.
Compassionate Guidance
You are not alone. At Mass Care Link we care for caregivers, providing the guidance, reassurance and support needed to make a full-time commitment to caring for an elder or person with disabilities at home. From prioritizing self-care to finding support from those in a similar situation, MassCare Link is here to help.
Are you ready to care for a loved one?
See if they qualifyHow we help members
Adult Foster Care members with Mass Care Link receive care at home, from someone they trust, paid for by their MassHealth benefits. Recognizing that their members need more than medical care, they need help understanding and accessing the benefits available to them, Mass Care Link built a team of skilled, compassionate case managers and nurses.

Mass Care Link goes beyond the standard Adult Foster Care member services. Recognizing that their members need more than medical care — they need help understanding and accessing the benefits available to them — Mass Care Link built a team of skilled, compassionate case managers and nurses. Services include:
Medical and Personal Care
Your AFC caregiver will help with medical care including medication reminders, transportation to and from medical appointments, and picking up prescriptions. Additionally, they will assist you with such things as shopping, laundry, housekeeping, and preparation of meals. Your Mass Care Link care manager and nurse will provide both the caregiver and member the support and guidance needed, every step of the way!
Community Connection
Mass Care Link can help members maintain a connection to their community, through education, outreach and support. Caregivers provide transportation so members can keep in contact with friends and attend community events.
Access to Benefits
Mass Care Link helps members and their caregivers access and understand their MassHealth Adult Foster Care benefits. From finding the right forms and filling them out the right way to understanding financial and medical eligibility requirements, we can serve as your liaison to the benefits and services that are your right as a MassHealth recipient.