How to Avoid Financial Scams
Scammers can trick you or your loved one into giving up confidential personal and financial information by pretending to be a loved one or posing as a government employee. Learn how to spot scams.
10 Ways to Stay Motivated As a Caregiver
A caregiver’s job can easily lead to burnout. Try these ten tips to stay motivated and keep pushing ahead.
Autism and Anxiety in Adults
A US government-backed expert panel has recommended for the first time that adults under 65 should be screened for anxiety disorders. According to the US Preventive Services Task force, the mood disorders should be included along with existing screening for depression among American adults. Considering the prevalence of anxiety in adults, you may wonder if
Six Health Choices You Can Make to Prevent Cancer
Many people believe that cancer is something that only happens to other people. However, cancer is a real and deadly disease that can happen to anyone, including your loved ones. If you are at risk for cancer, these are some simple things you can do to help prevent it: 1. Get Enough Exercise Exercise has
Social Security? What Exactly Is It?
When caring for your family members, whether they are nearing retirement age or struggling with a significant disability, they may be entitled to Social Security benefits. Social Security has been an essential financial resource for older adults in the United States for over 80 years. Annually, roughly 65 million Americans receive Social Security payments. The
5 Ways to Prevent Elder Financial Abuse
Aging comes with its own set of inherent risks. Unfortunately, the increased financial exploitation of the elderly population only adds to the list. Elders have become the center of financial abuse by organizations, friends, and even family members intent on stealing the financial assets they have spent years working so hard to acquire. By remaining
Caregiver Depression: 9 Tips to Handle This Common Condition
Many caretakers face depression and compound its effects by hiding it in shame. But this shame is misplaced. According to, 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression. Like most who experience depression, caregivers suffer in silence because they are afraid of facing stigma and don’t want it to take
How to Cope with Grief as a Caregiver
As a caregiver, you share a lot of time with the person you’re caring for, possibly even their last moments. It can be hard to watch their health deteriorate, and excruciating when they pass on. While grieving is a very personal experience with no right or wrong way to go about it, we have compiled
Caregiver Tips For Preparing Healthy Meals At Home
Being a caregiver often involves preparing and serving meals to keep the person you are caring for healthy and happy. How can you ensure you are preparing food that meets their nutritional needs? If you want to plan and prepare suitable healthy meals, then here are a few tips for effective meal planning as a
7 Mental Health Tips For Caregivers
Being a caregiver is a full-time job. Dedicating most of your time and effort to someone else’s well-being takes a lot and eventually takes a toll. So when the cup has run empty, who takes care of the caregiver? Keep reading to learn seven mental health tips for caregivers. 1. Be Kind To Yourself Caregiving