10 Tips for Caregivers: Making Doctor Visits Easier for Aging Parents
Prevent feeling overwhelmed by your parent’s doctor visits by preparing ahead and making the most of your time. Follow these 10 tips from the at-home care experts at Mass Care Link.
Keys to Caregiver Communication
Caregivers need to communicate with the person they care for, family members and medical professionals all while navigating pitfalls like burnout and powerful feelings. Find out how to communicate as a caregiver, the best ways to ask for help and tips for building a support network from the adult foster care experts at Mass Care Link.
Holiday Tips for At-home Caregivers
Holidays as an at-home caregiver require new traditions and updated expectations. Make the most of the holidays with tips on keeping the season merry plus step-by-step instructions on trimming your tree and baking cookies from the at-home care experts at Mass Care Link.
Exercise for Caregivers:
With daily physical tasks, increased rates of stress and depression and a risk of injury, caregivers have multiple reasons to follow a regular exercise routine. Learn the benefits of exercise for caregivers and how to help incorporate more activity into your already busy schedule.
Holiday Attire for Caregivers:
Festive Comfort for a Season Celebrating The holiday season is a time for celebration, and as a caregiver, PCA, or adult foster care provider in Massachusetts, you deserve a chance to relax, enjoy and feel festive and fashionable in what you’re wearing. Follow the tips below to look stylish and feel comfortable at holiday parties
Understanding Adult Foster Care and SNAP:
Know Your Rights to Maximize Your Benefits At Mass Care Link, we are committed to supporting individuals in need of Adult Foster Care (AFC) services, ensuring they receive the care and assistance they deserve. If you or a loved one is receiving AFC services, it’s important to understand how these services interact with government assistance
Caretaker Tips for a Safe Halloween:
Spooky Fun for Elderly Individuals and Those with Autism As Halloween approaches, many look forward to the fun costumes, sweet treats, and exciting activities that come with the holiday. However, for elderly individuals and those with autism, Halloween can present unique challenges. For example, according to the online resource SpiritofAutism.org, risks for teens and adults
Clearing Social Security Confusion:
Comparing SSI and SSDI Social Security benefits can seem complex and confusing to recent retirees. A 2003 study revealed, “between 20 and 50 percent of pre-retirees are unaware that their monthly benefits could be reduced if they keep working after claiming Social Security.” The complex system is partly to blame, explains financial expert Michael Ryan,
Essential Tattoo Tips for Seniors
From Choosing the Perfect Design to Caring for Older Skin Tattooing isn’t just for twenty-somethings—more seniors than ever are choosing to get inked, whether it’s to express personal stories, honor loved ones, or simply celebrate life. However, tattooing older skin comes with unique considerations. Why the older tattoo trend? As tattoos have become more common,
Four Inspiring Movies for Caregivers
Filmakers explore the complicated relationships between caregivers and the loved ones in their care Movies have a way of opening the mind, derailing monotony and furnishing new perspectives. In fact, “beyond being a source of entertainment, films have the power to foster social bonds and create shared experiences among individuals,” asserts self-improvement site, The Emotion