What are the different types of Home Care Services in Massachusetts?

Every caregiver has different needs when it comes to providing care to their loved ones. While some may just want to provide companionship, others may want to be fully involved with every aspect of the care. Inherently, their needs should be what dictates the kind of service they obtain from a home care provider. This article will explore the different types of home care services available to caregivers.
What are the different types of home care providers?
Home Health Aid- this type of service involves helping out with daily tasks like meal preparation and doing the laundry for individuals that may not be able to complete it on their own. It may also involve providing basic medical assistance to the elderly. While this service does not typically require trained nurses, having one involve in the process would be an added bonus.
Skilled Nurses- home care agencies also employ trained and licensed nurses to provide medical services to the elderly in their homes. This is an essential service to the individual who has a serious medical problem. Rather than having to visit the hospital or be confined to a hospital bed, this service allow the individual to receive personalized care right at their homes.
Companionship service- some individuals may not have a chronic medical condition. Such persons may only need a person to keep them company. This is where this service comes into play. It provides them the company they may need. However, this service usually goes beyond companionship to include basic housekeeping tasks done on behalf of the elderly. It may also involve transporting the person to visit their friends and family.
Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
According to caregiver.org, PCA is a state program that provides home care services to older adults and people with disabilities who live in their own home or community. Program participants can either receive services through an agency or they can choose the Consumer Directed PCA Program, where they manage their own services by selecting, hiring, and supervising their own home care worker, which could be a family member or friend (but not a spouse, legal guardian or sole Power of Attorney).
Adult Foster Care (AFC)
Adult foster care services is program for caregivers that are providing care to someone at home. Under AFC, caregivers are entitled to financial assistance. Mass Care Link is a MassHealth provider that give a monthly payment to caregivers who qualify for their services.
There are many types of services offered by home care providers. The variety is meant to ensure that the needs of many are met. It is important to find out the different types of services available, in order to find which one is most appropriate for you.