Tips For Caregiver Gardening And Its Health Benefits for Seniors

How Does Your Garden Grow Gen Zers have a saying for individuals who spend most of their time indoors or who are so occupied with work that they never get to go outside: They advise the chronically online to venture outside, or “touch grass.” Despite the snark, this phrase is actually sound advice for aloof
Get in the Swim: Benefits of Swimming for Seniors

While regular physical activity is a key component of healthy aging, most likely your senior client or loved one can’t go hiking once per week or run thirty minutes three mornings per week. This leaves families and caregivers with the task of finding a way to help seniors get suitable physical activity. We believe one
Employment Tips for Adults with Autism

At Mass Care Link, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute to society and exercise their gifts in some form of productive work. While this is our belief, we do understand that there are some individuals who live with conditions that impact their ability to work. One such condition is autism spectrum disorder
Caregiver Tips for Traveling with Elderly Parents

Picture taking your elderly parent to a country they’ve wanted to visit since they were young. That trip would be highly fulfilling and memorable for both you, their caretaker, and your elderly parent. But, before you book that trip and start packing, there are some things you should consider to ensure the trip goes smoothly.
Vehicle Safety Tips for Caregivers

The transition from an independent driver to needing to rely on others can be difficult for older people in our care. When transporting someone under your stewardship as a caregiver, you must maintain safety as your top priority. With the added demands on your attention that could potentially distract you while driving it’s essential to figure
6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System if You’re Over 65

Throughout our younger years, the body seems to bounce back from just about anything. We may not even have to worry about our immune system for the first half of life. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy when we get a little older. In this article, we’ll explore some ways you can boost your immune system
Caring for Someone with Traumatic Brain Injury: 10 Tips for Caregivers

According to the CDC, an estimated 2.5 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) annually. Older adults are particularly susceptible, so every caregiver should familiarize themselves with ways to prevent TBI. If your loved one or client is recovering from such an injury, they will require unique care. In this article, we cover ten
Caregiver Tips on Planning a Funeral

It’s time for a serious talk. Take a deep breath before moving on because this subject can be triggering. While it’s an uncomfortable topic, we must discuss the reality that the person we offer sacrificial and gentle care to will one day pass on. In preparing you, beloved caregiver, for this reality, we have compiled
7 Caregiver Tips to Boost Your Immune System

The manual work of caregiving can take a serious toll on the body. Because the labor of caregiving is also mentally and emotionally taxing, the physical effects can become compounded. In this weakened state, caregivers are extremely susceptible to infectious disease. To combat this risk, it helps to make boosting your immune system a priority.
Caregivers and Alcohol: How Much is Too Much?

Caregivers commonly turn to alcohol as a form of stress management. While moderate alcohol use has been shown to reduce stress, in excess, drinking is not an effective or healthy way to cope. It merely provides temporary relief, exposes caregivers to the risk of dependence, worsened mental health, and impaired decision-making. Elderly patients or other