MassHealth Insurance: How to apply for your child?

MassHealth is a state sponsored Medicaid program meant to provide healthcare benefits to those who are eligible. Over 1,000,000 people residing in the state Massachusetts benefit from this program.
The Basic Criteria is the following:
- Family’s income is to be lesser than 150 percent of federal poverty level to qualify for MassHealth Standard.
- MassHealth CommonHealth is meant for families with higher income.
- MassHealth CommonHealth provides assistance to adults with disabilities and children.
- No specific income limit is needs to be met to receive MassHealth CommonHealth. There is a sliding scale which is based on household income.
Many caregivers and parents have care recipients or children who are eligible for MassHealth CommonHealth or MassHealth Standard. These guide gives very useful tips regarding the topic.
How to apply for Masshealth Insurance of Massachusetts for a child or a care recipient?
First fill up MBR (Medical Benefit Request) form, which can be found in two places:
- Call 1-800-496-4648 and speak with customer service to request MBR by mail.
- Visit Click ‘Applications & Member Forms’ under ‘Publications’ in lower corner. Print MBR and fill manually or simply type in form and have it printed.
Once done, you need to send your completed MBR form with household proof of income, proof of identity, and immigration status, if you are not a U.S citizen, to the MassHealth Enrollment Center. Make sure to keep copies of all documents for your own records.
- Avoid sending multiple copies of the application. Additional paperwork sent will only delay review. Do understand that the reviewal of the application takes about 45 days.
- In the case that you mailed your application, do request for return receipt or a tracking number from the post office.
How to apply for MassHealth CommonHealth? If Child already has MassHealth Essential, MassHealth Family Assistance or MassHealth Basic
In the case that your child suffers from a disability, call 1-800-841-2900 for information regarding the following:
- Request for Child Disability Supplemental form.
- Request Medical Records Release MassHealth Form copies.
- Fill them out correctly and send to the Disability Evaluation Services Department.
Which MassHealth insurance of Massachusetts qualifies for adult foster care services?
Both, MassHealth Standard and MassHealth CommonHealth are eligible for adult foster care services. In other words, caregivers may be eligible to receive a monthly payment for taking care of someone at home under these plans. For more information, call Mass Care link at 866-880-8889 or apply online at
Keep in mind that if you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process for MassHealth insurance, you can always call their toll free line at 800-841-2900.