Home Care Helps Elders Live Longer
As we age, most of us desire to maintain our independence, our community and our home. Home care, or aging in place, can help provide those benefits in a safe environment.

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) found that most older adults want to age in place, or stay in their own homes as they get older. However, as people age, their health may decline, and they may need to move into a nursing home or assisted-living facility to receive more intensive care.
There’s no place like home
But new research indicates that at home care can be the most beneficial for the health of the elderly. Researchers in an eight-year study conducted by the University of Missouri found that the close attention afforded by aging in place allowed earlier identification of illness, faster treatment and care, leading to longer healthier lives.
Other benefits of aging in place include:
- Meeting the emotional needs of seniors: Often feeling marginalized in modern society, the elderly desire to be heard, knowing their views and feelings still count. The personal, daily interaction of home care can help accomplish this goal.
- Variety of services available: The services offered through home care to the elderly are vast. Based on the specific need of the resident, the care coordinator and nurse can ensure all medical needs are met. ANd by living at home, they can access their existing social supports and community activities.
- Increased comfort and familiarity: Quality home care will guard seniors’ mental health and prioritize their peace. Elders with mental health challenges like Alzheimer’s and dementia can even experience fewer symptoms because home care reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Close medical monitoring: Home care is instrumental for seniors who have previously been to the hospital and need close monitoring and assistance to ensure their health thrives.
Welcome home
Your living situation undoubtedly connects with your mental state from childhood through adulthood. The continuity provided by aging in place can help ease some of the challenges involved in growing older.
To age in place without a live-in care provider can be difficult and pose certain risks. While help is available, people who are able to age-in-place with a friend or loved one as live-in caregiver can get the comforts of home and the safety of care at a more affordable cost.
Looking for info on how to receive payments to care for a loved one at home? Check out our FAQs for answers about Adult Foster Care in Massachusetts.