What you need for Apply for MassHealth coverage for seniors and people of any age who need long-term-care services
To apply, you may need to provide the following information and documents.
- Social Security numbers, if you have them, for every household member who is applying
- Proof of income and assets
- Proof of any health insurance that you are currently enrolled in or have access to
- Information about or proof of citizenship/national status or immigration status
Who can use this application?
Use this application if you live in Massachusetts and you are
- Aged 65 or older and living at home, and:
- Not the parent of a child under 19 years of age who lives with you, or
- Not an adult relative living with and taking care of a child younger than 19 years of age when neither parent is living in the home, or
- Age 65 or older and are disabled and are either working 40 or more hours a month, or are currently working and have worked at least 240 hours in the 6-months immediately before the month of the application, or
- Not working
- An individual of any age and need long-term-care services in a medical institution, such as a nursing facility or chronic hospital
- An individual who is eligible for certain programs to get long-term-care services to live at home (for more information on long-term-care services, please see the Senior Guide to Health Care Coverage)
- A member of a married couple living with your spouse, and
- Both you and your spouse are applying for health coverage
- There are no children under 19 years of age living with you
- One spouse is 65 or older and the other spouse is under 65
Learn more about eligibility for seniors and long-term care. If this does not describe you, please see Apply for MassHealth, the Health Safety Net, or the Children’s Medical Security Plan.