Spotlight on Caregiver Training: How Mass Care Link Supports Your Journey
Caregivers providing Adult Foster Care can benefit from caregiver training, a service provided through Mass Care Link. Learn how we can help.

Understanding Adult Foster Care and SNAP:
Know Your Rights to Maximize Your Benefits At Mass Care Link, we are committed to supporting individuals in need of Adult Foster Care (AFC) services, ensuring they receive the care and assistance they deserve. If you or a loved one is receiving AFC services, it’s important to understand how these services interact with government assistance

Clearing Social Security Confusion:
Comparing SSI and SSDI Social Security benefits can seem complex and confusing to recent retirees. A 2003 study revealed, “between 20 and 50 percent of pre-retirees are unaware that their monthly benefits could be reduced if they keep working after claiming Social Security.” The complex system is partly to blame, explains financial expert Michael Ryan,

Caregiver Tips on Planning a Funeral
It’s time for a serious talk. Take a deep breath before moving on because this subject can be triggering. While it’s an uncomfortable topic, we must discuss the reality that the person we offer sacrificial and gentle care to will one day pass on. In preparing you, beloved caregiver, for this reality, we have compiled

Am I Obligated to Pay for My Elderly Parent’s Medical Bills?
Filial Responsibility Laws and You Life doesn’t always unfold like the fairy tales we watched as youngsters. Sometimes sickness or simply daily care expenses finds our elderly parents at a financially vulnerable time. In these instances, one may wonder “Am I responsible for my elderly parent’s medical bills?” This is a valid question on a

Caregiver Debt 101:
Don’t let caring for a loved one become a financial burden. Follow these tips for avoiding debt and maintaining financial security as a caregiver from the adult foster care experts at Mass Care Link.

Decoding Medicare: Your Guide to Better Coverage for Caregivers
Are you a caregiver feeling a little overwhelmed by the complexities of Medicare options? Navigating the program can be tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Mass Care Link is here to help you decode Medicare and find the best coverage for you and your loved ones. Did you know that while 94% of

Home Care Helps Elders Live Longer
As we age, most of us desire to maintain our independence, our community and our home. Home care, or aging in place, can help provide those benefits in a safe environment. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) found that most older adults want to age in place, or stay in their own homes as

Four Caregiver Tips to Cut Costs and Save
In 2023, the median cost for nursing home care was $13,535 a month. As the cost of out-of-home care continues to rise more have opted to take on the admirable responsibility of caring for their loved ones themselves. But at-home care also has associated costs. Getting paid to care for your loved one at home