Category: Cerebral Palsy


How caregivers can take care of someone with cerebral palsy

Category: Cerebral Palsy

Unlike other health conditions, taking care of a person with cerebral palsy takes a lot of mental and physical focus from the  caregiver. To be precise, a person who is suffering from cerebral palsy which is a neurological disorder which can affect physical disability requires proper care.  Thus, the role of the caregiver is very important because


What is the job description of a cerebral palsy caregiver?

Category: Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is one type of disorder that creates impacts on a person’s movement, motor skills, and muscle tone as well. Basically, before birth, if the baby’s brain got damaged, then this type of problem may arise. They can suffer from speech problems, hearing problems, and learning problems as well. If you have cerebral palsy


How to become a good Cerebral Palsy Caregiver?

Category: Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is one of the known problems and 10% of a child in our world suffering from this problem. To take care of cerebral palsy children, you have to be patient. There is no particular advice for cerebral palsy children. Whether you are parents or caregivers, you have to take several responsibilities and duties



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